Feb 3, 2022Liked by Enterprise Sales

Man, such a topic for both sales and entrepreneurs. Good read.

My lunch break thoughts:

True givers in sales are rare (< 1/5). I'm marrying one of them. I'm not one. They often struggle with saying no. And can get taken advantage of, as some of Adam Grant's research suggests. There's a book called Boundaries that is like the bible for givers. Probably if you are in sales, you are not a giver. And that's okay.

Because a lot of people (most, IMHO) might be trying to be a giver because they think it's the "right" thing to do. Then they say something like "it's not working / why are people like this". Maybe they are/were looking for something in return. And didn't get it. They we're looking for a fair trade. This is most sales people. And that's okay.

Takers can be a pain in the ass. But also quite rare in sales (<1/10), I think. Just can't succeed at scale like that. I've seen more buyers be takers than sales people. Mining folks for free stuff and then ghosting them because they feel like they deserve it or something. But usually they've just been burned in the past and feel like they have to be a certain way. Or they have really big egos. But say no, be blunt, and usually takers respect you for it.

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